
Our Repeaters and NODES.
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The Lone Wolf System

These are our Repeaters and NODES

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  Band 1 Band 1 462       Band 2 Band 2 467       moble
  Channel GMRS Mhz   Data Width Watts Channel GMRS Mhz   Data Width Watts
R1 15 462.5500 out y W 50 23 467.5500 in n W 50
  1 462.5625   y W 5 8 467.5625   y N .5
R2 16 462.5750 out y W 50 24 467.5750 in n W 50
  2 462.5875   y W 5 9 467.5875   y N .5
R3 17 462.6000 out y W 50 25 467.6000 in n W 50
  3 462.6125   y W 5 10 467.6125   y N .5
R4 18 462.6250 out y W 50 26 467.6250 in n W 50
  4 462.6375   y W 5 11 467.6375   y N .5
R5 19 462.6500 out y W 50 27 467.6500 in n W 50
  5 462.6625   y W 5 12 467.6625   y N .5
R6 20 462.6750 out y W 50 28 467.6750 in n W 50
  6 462.6875   y W 5 13 467.6875   y N .5
R7 21 462.7000 out y W 50 29 467.7000 in n W 50
  7 462.7125   y W 5 14 467.7125   y N .5
R8 22 462.7250 out y W 50 30 467.7250 in n W 50

Remember many unlicensed users exist on GMRS and legaly run 5 watts. Running a low power node may work
in some areas but not in others. This is not HAM FRS users dont care that you have a license.

Use of the frequency bands 457.5125-457.5875 MHz and 467.5125-467.5875 MHz are used by the maritime mobile
in territorial waters. These ships may illegaly use these channels when in a US port.
See ITU-R M.1174-4

Use of the frequencys 457.525MHz,457.550MHz,457.575MHz,457.600 MHz paired with
467.750MHz,467.775MHz,467.800MHz,467.825MHz are used in the territorial waters
of the United States and the Philippines.
See ITU-R M.1174-4